Not sure where to start? Joining our community is as easy as:
1: After clicking on the Slack invitation link below, simply choose the email address you want to use to set up your profile and login.
2: You’ll receive an automatic email that contains instructions to complete your profile.
3: For easiness, you have the option to download the Slack app on your laptop and/or mobile. Download it from here. If you don’t want to download the app, you can keep using it on your browser (Chrome/Safari).
4: To customize your profile with name, pronouns, and picture, click on “YOU” at the bottom, then follow “edit profile” and fill in the details.
5: Start by introducing yourself at channel #say-hi. Mention your name and pronoun, where you are based, what projects you work with, and everything you feel that’s great for sharing.
We are thrilled to start reaching more professionals in the sector. Help us expand our network towards stretch.
Invite your friends over.
What’s Stretch?
A conference and showcase event that brings together dance professionals that contribute to the sector, on and off the stage. Stretch is taking place in south east London in a venue near you.
10-11 March 2023
Ticket sales going out soon.
Thanks to our Partners